What to do when the garage door break in Brooklyn

What to do when there is a problem

Every Overhead garage door will eventually stop working and going to need someone to repair it. The reasons for the problem are different, and they depend on the kind of door you own, how many year ago was the door installed, what brand of garage door and opener you are using, how often you maintain the door, how often you use the garage door, was it installed properly, is it exposed to sun and water and much more. So as you can see, there are many things to consider, when asking yourself: “Why did it break”?

What to do

If you try to use your garage door, and it didn’t respond, making strong noise, or just don’t work like it used to, or don’t work at all, we can recommend one thing: Stop trying to use the garage door, and contact a garage door company that repair garage door in Brooklyn, who will come and repair the door for you. Since not all of us are garage doors experts, and not all of us understand the mechanism of the garage door, trying to fix the garage door by yourself can end with serious injuries.

What not to do

Do not try and do anything, such as forcing the garage door to open or close, unless you are sure that you know exactly what you are doing. We would like to share a story with you, about someone who tried to do a basic thing, such as disengage the motor, and found himself locked inside he’s garage.
One of he’s springs broke, and since the spring system is what lift and lower the door, the opener couldn’t lift the door, and the door was stuck in half open position. So he went into the garage, and disengaged the opener. Now, what he did not know, is that besides preventing the garage door from going up, the opener was also preventing it from falling down, and when he disengaged the opener, the door fell down and locked him inside the garage. Luckily, no one was standing under the door, and he had he’s phone with him, so he called us and we came and rescued him. But the lesson was well learned – Let the experts deal with the problems.

Why NOT to do it yourself

The Videos on YouTube make it look like an easy project to repair a garage door, and even replacing a torsion spring can seem like an easy project. But, and here come the important part: Every Overhead garage door is different, and what may work for one, not necessarily work for another job. A commercial Overhead garage door in Bay Ridge is different from a one car garage door in Williamsburg NY, and the parts, such as the springs, the pulleys, the cables, the motor, and basically all the parts are different. And let’s assume that you did find the right part, for example – the right spring for your garage door, now you need to replace the broken torsion spring, but the problem is very simple: The Video you can find on YouTube is explaining how to replace the torsion spring for that garage door, and not for every garage door in the world, and we will say even more, even if you own exactly the same garage door as the one on YouTube, it still doesn’t mean that following the instruction will necessarily go as smooth as you think.

Prevent bigger damage or injuries

Sometime. Contacting a garage door technician on time, can save you a lot of money. For example: One of the common reasons that stop a garage door from working is a broken spring. Now, if you stop using the door, and contact Brooklyn Garage Doors And Gates, we will come and replace the broken spring. But, if you will ignore the problem and try to use the door although the spring broke, it is just a matter of time before you will severely damage your motor, and now you will also need to repair the motor, or even replace it.

Simple repairs

There few things that don’t require a garage door technician, and that you can repair by yourself. But still, please make sure that you know exactly what you are doing, and if you are not sure, please contact us. If your remote control doesn’t open the garage door, the option is that the battery is dead. Try to replace it, and it is still not working, contact us. The same goes for the Key Pad, if the Key Pad does not open the garage door, Try to replace the battery, if it is still not working, contact us and we will assist you.

To read more about garage door repair, read our FAQ article.


Garage Door Repair Brooklyn

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